Categories: We Afrique

This is how land was acquired in Zimbo.

This is a photo of British colonialists hanging Africans in 1890s Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

The photo was so prized by British officer in ‘Rhodesia’ Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the ‘Boy Scouts’ and ‘Girl Guides’, that he kept it in a scrapbook entitling it ‘The Christmas Tree’.

Africlandpost: “Zimbos will be here like “why you talking about things you dont know, you are not zimbabwean and those british prayed for the souls of those lynched africans and also, rather this than starve”

Sebenzile Sebsz Menziwa said: Zimbabwe had the land possessed from Whites and given to blacks but what happened? If you don’t embrace peace you will never go anywhere Africlandpost, forgiveness is the solution in life, you don’t even live in your country why?

Africlandpost: To Sebenzile Sebsz Menziwa: believe me I like peace…I actually support returning lands to grown ups who can utilise them rather than leaving fertile lands in the hands of children or grown ups with child like brains. I say Zimbos should concentrate in forgiveness and reconciliation and give back the lands to intelligent folks who can make good use of them. Evolution is a painful process and sometimes it takes time to evolve to a full functioning human being with survival instinct of utilizing the resources you have at your disposal. Till then lets clamp our hands together and pray that god grant us wisdom to know how to plough, don’t you think?

By Africlandpost.


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