The internet has grown to be an integral part of the 21st century as it links people around the world through global communication networks while offering a variety of information.
It has offered a platform for people to express themselves either positively or negatively towards leaders including governments. The advent of social media has also made it easier for citizens to question and demand their due from authorities.
Though it was built for good, the internet is equally used to perpetrate crime which has been a concern for governments around the world.
For some leaders, the internet is a tool used to stifle dissent as many millennials go online to vent their frustrations at poor performing leaders. These leaders end up blocking the internet to prevent their nationals from criticizing and demonstrating against them.
In Africa, the situation is worse as the internet is blocked during elections for a preposterous fear of rigging and spread of fake news that could mar the polls. Uganda, Congo, Chad, Gabon, Niger, and Gambia blocked internet access during their elections in 2016.
However, Ghana, Kenya and Zambia held their elections with internet connection intact, but had no significant disruptions of their elections.
Some unpopular African leaders have expressed fear over the accessibility of the internet through multiple restrictions.