King Mswati III of Swaziland has declared in Mbabane Swaziland that men will from June 2019 be required to marry at least two or more wives or be jailed if they fail to do so.

The king, who has 15 wives and 25 children,While his father and predecessor has more than 70 wives and 150+ children revealed that Swaziland is facing a very serious problem as there are more women than men in his country.

In a statement, king Mswati called for all men in the country to marry at least five wives and the government assured the men that it would pay for the marriage ceremonies and buy houses for them. .



  1. This is remarkable information.
    I wish for all internet users be made knowledgeable of this African Genius.

  2. The father of the king was having 70 wives, and the king is having 15, he is asking ordinary citizen to get a 1/3 of his capacity while he’s not reach 1/4 of his father hmm the king should exceed his father to be good example for him citizens, I will be flying there in 2021 to compete with Your majeste to get 15 also

    • I assume this right up a lot of men’s alley! Wow! Husband is going to be very tired bc he’ll be in so much demand.

  3. How many of these women have no say so over their own lives? How many are child brides who will have no childhood after being married off and have their childhood stolen by some old man they do not love?

  4. I would NEVER allow my man to have another wife. I am the BOSS not a man NEVER! I love my freedom more than any man!!

    • Hope you still have control of your man not to have mistress or other form of extra marital engagements?

  5. Let’s stop spreading lies. The king rebuked this lie and was angry that lies are fabricated using his name.

  6. It should be same way here in the the USA then men want to be so call sneaking around on their wives here.thats is the balance of nature

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