Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo announced the sack of the country’s chief justice Hassan Ibrahim Idle Suleiman on Sunday after a two-year service.
The president said his decision was part of a plan to improve the justice system that has been struggling for so many years amid several questionable judicial decisions and allegations of corruption.
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Harun Maruf
Replying to @HarunMaruf
Ibrahim Idle Suleiman who was sacked as Chief Justice says decision by @M_Farmaajo is not legal because proper procedures has not been followed. Suleiman insists that he’ll continue his normal duties. Some MPs also made similar claims about the sacking https://www.voasomali.com/a/4412654.html
10:11 PM – May 27, 2018
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare: Sharci looma Marin Xil-Ka Qaadisteyda
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare Ibrahim Iidle Suleyman ayaa u sheegey VOA in uu isagu wali yahay gudoomiyaha maxkamada sare, isla markaana aysan sharciga waafaqsaneyn xil-ka qaadistiisa. Halkan ka Dhagey
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The dismissal was immediately followed by the appointment of little-known Baashe Yusuf Ahmed as the new chief justice. He will assume the position of chairman of the Somali supreme court.
Yusuf Ahmed’s appointment was received with mixed reactions in Somalia as some questioned if the young lawyer is qualified to be a chief justice as the constitution requires a minimum of seven years of work experience as a lawyer or in a high judicial position.
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Sahra Abdi Ahmed
This is the Picture of the New Chief Justice of the #Somalis supreme court, Baashe Yusuf Ahmed .
6:36 AM – May 27, 2018
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Others have also questioned his ties with rival state Somaliland where he is an active politician and a member of the opposition Wadani party led by Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi. Somaliland has declared itself independent of Somalia since 1991 and has remained so despite ongoing efforts by Somalia to merge.
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AbdiShakur Haji
Replying to @SahraCabdi
Yes your new supreme court leader
9:29 AM – May 27, 2018
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Keep reading for details about the life of the new chief justice of Somalia Baashe Yusuf Ahmed.
Baashe Yusuf Ahmed is a 36-year-old lawyer born in Hargeisa, Somaliland in 1982. He obtained his law degree from the University of Hargeisa in 2008 and then a Master’s Degree in Commercial and Maritime Law in 2014 from the University of Hertfordshire under the UK government’s Chevening scholarship programme for students with leadership qualities.
Prior to that, he served as the programme officer for the United States NGO Mercy Corps in Hargeisa where they empowered people to recover from crisis, build better lives and transform their communities for good.
He served as the Director General of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Somaliland between 2010 and 2012 and upon his return from the UK, he returned to Mercy Corps as its Youth Employment Technical Advisor.
While lecturing at the University of Hargeisa from 2014, Yusuf Ahmed also served as a consultant for UNDP and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs where he used to work. He also worked as a legal advisor for the Somaliland parliament and other international agencies including the German development agency GIZ.
Baashe Yusuf Ahmed has been married since 2011 and lived briefly in Oslo, Norway.
Below are some social media reactions after his appointment.
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Harun Maruf
Replying to @HarunMaruf
Pres @M_Farmaajo appoints Bashe Yusuf Ahmed as Somalia’s next Chief Justice. According to reports, Ahmed has been a member of Somaliland’s Waddani party until at least earlier this year. In one photo he appears alongside former Ethiopia PM and ex-Somaliland FM Mohamed Bihi Yonis.
9:04 AM – May 27, 2018
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Replying to @SahraCabdi
Wonder if he has law degree? Wonder if he held such high position before? Wonder if he is contaminated by cancer in the name of “qabil”? Just basic questions you know.
6:56 AM – May 27, 2018
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Replying to @SahraCabdi
Dont judge a book by his cover istubirad
7:28 AM – May 27, 2018
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Mo Omar Rageh
Replying to @SahraCabdi
Chief Justice this young? He is too young for the most supreme justice position in the country. He at least should be over 60 years with decades of experience. @M_Farmaajo made major mistake.
8:49 AM – May 27, 2018
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Ayan Mohamoud
Replying to @SahraCabdi @Hornexpert115
The most amazing chief of justice somalia can have bashe indeed is an asset
9:14 PM – May 27, 2018
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Abdul Abdi
Replying to @AbdallahAlas @SahraCabdi
A Chief Justice with swagger. He must have a special talent to be named such a high profile position in a young age. Waiting in-depth profile and work history. @SahraCabdi
10:39 AM – May 27, 2018
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Mohamud Mohamed Abdi
Replying to @SahraCabdi
If ayoung person is nominated,they say he is too young to lead,if an old aged,they say he is a retire he can’t lead.big problem in politics.
12:31 AM – May 28, 2018
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Mohamed Talil 🇸🇴
Replying to @SahraCabdi
As long as he is qualified to hold such a higher position we shouldn’t judge him on his appearance or age. 70% of our population are youth so we deserve fresh minds free from tribalism mentality.
11:55 PM – May 27, 2018
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AK10 ♜✏✏☜☽☾
Replying to @SahraCabdi @JustAwHirsi
You know for once, we need to do things differently. The elders tried, but partially failed. Lets see what the young prospects are capable of. You know we in 21st Century
11:02 PM – May 27, 2018
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Salim Said Salim سالم سعيد سالم
Replying to @HarunMaruf
This minor replacement does not solve the problem of the judiciary. The judicial service commission who are mandated for the overall administration of the judiciary is not in place and with out them , no effective , independent judiciary could be expected .